Online Yoga Courses & Classes
For questions related to Online Classes please contact: +91 986 5155335 | [email protected]
Hatha Yoga Intensive
Invigorating and energising yoga practice session with variations and extended holding of postures. Push yourself a little to help increase your stamina and flexibility.
Come and delve into an advanced practice of asanas and their variations.
Donation : INR 2000 (~ 28USD)
15th – 19th March
6:30 – 8:00 IST( GMT+ 5.30 hrs)
Click here to Register
ABC of Asana Practice
Anatomy, Benefits & Corrections of the 12 basic asanas taught at the Sivananda Organisation.
Improve your teaching skills by knowing everything about the basic asanas and their correction techniques. Anatomical explanation to get into the postures comfortably in the right manner with their associated benefits. Experience the real essence of Yoga practice with Theoretical and Practical exploration of Asanas to let your mind understand the positive effects on the body.
Donation Rs.3000 (~45 USD)
Eating the Sattvic Way
We are what we eat, our physical body is called the FOOD SHEATH. Everything in the universe is composed of 5 elements viz Space, Air, Fire, Water & Earth and our body is no exception. Proper Diet supplies us with all necessary nutrients to support and maintain our body. To know more join our weekend session on Diet and Fasting
Donation : INR 1000 (~ 15USD)
Time – 10.00 – 11.30 Hrs IST
13-14th March Click here to Register
Connect With the Self
Breath is our only connection with the outside world. By just simply observing your breath one can calm down stress and be more mindful. Harness the power of your breath to focus within. Learn how to meditate through breathing practices
Donation : INR 2000 (~ 30USD)
Time – 18.00 – 19.00 Hrs IST
10th – 14th March Click here to Register
12 Day Course for Beginners in Yoga
Learn the art of proper breathing, with the practice of yogic breathing techniques and discover the bliss of deep relaxation. Step-by-step guidance for gradually learning dynamic sun salutation and classical hatha yoga postures. The focus is on learning the postures properly, at a steady pace to ensure correct practice.
Monday to Saturday
Donation : INR 3000 (~ 45USD)
Time – 12:00 – 13.30 Hrs IST
08th – 20th March Click here to register