Our numerous classes in classical hatha yoga include sessions adapted for intermediate and advanced students, pregnancy, kids, and for those wishing for a more gentle practice. Each class emphasises on developping more awareness, flexibility, strength and vitality in the body while calming the mind. Most classes follow a structure of: initial relaxation (Savasana), breathing exercises (Pranayama), sun salutation (Surya Namaskar), 12 basic postures (Asanas), and final guided relaxation.
Our classes are based on the traditional teachings of Yoga and Vedanta which aims to achieve the goal of self-realisation and peace through a healthy body and mind.

Open Class
Energize yourself with one of our daily Open classes. Increase your self-awareness with the practice of the powerful sequence of traditional yoga and let go of the unnecessary tensions and stress stock in your body. The class includes pranayama, sun salutation, the 12 classical postures and deep relaxation. The Open Class is available on a drop-in basis to all who have completed the Beginners’ Course (Yoga 1).
Prerequisite: Yoga 1
Fee (inclusive of taxes):
Classes | Indian Residents (INR) | Non Indian Residents (INR) |
Single Drop-in | 500 | 800 |
Monthly | 1500 | 2500 |
10 Class Pass (1 month validity) |
1000 | 2000 |

Post/Pre-natal Yoga Class
The months of carrying a child are precious. The yoga postures and breathing techniques are a gentle way to keep your body active and fit during your pregnancy. Specially-adapted postures prepare the body for a peaceful birth and restore vitality and vigour in the post-natal months. Practice can begin after the first trimester after consultation with your doctor.
Duration: 10 classes
Fee (inclusive of taxes):
Indian Residents: INR 8000
Non Indian Residents: INR 10000

Kids’ Yoga Class
A lively approach to yoga to help kids develop co-ordination, flexibility, strength and confidence as well as enhancing concentration, memory and a sense of well-being and self-awareness. It’s a lot of fun—the kids make new friends and develop new and positive interests. Open to children age 7-12 years.
Duration: 1 month
Fee (inclusive of taxes) :
Indian Residents: First Month: INR 3000 – Following Months: INS 1000
Non Indian Residents: First Month: INR 4000 – Following Months: INS 1500

Gentle Yoga
A slower-paced class for people of all sizes, ages and fitness levels. Gentle yoga removes any fears or challenges in doing yoga. Classes are designed for those who want to take a more gentle class to improve general mobility, health and well-being.The class includes easy basic postures with some variations, breathing exercises, and relaxation.
Duration: 1 month
Fee (inclusive of taxes) :
Indian Residents: First Month: INR 3000 – Following Months: INS 1500
Non Indian Residents: First Month: INR 4500 – Following Months: INS 2000

Private Classes
Due to an increased demand from students who are not able to attend regular scheduled yoga classes or who require personal attention, the Centre now offers private yoga classes. Private Classes can be arranged at the Trivandrum Centre, as well as by appointment at your home or office. Please contact the Centre for full information.
Duration: 10 classes
Fee (inclusive of taxes):
Classes | Indian Residents (INR) | Non Indian Residents (INR) |
At the centre | 8000 | 9000 |
Outside | 10000 | 12000 |
Chanting Class
“Kirtan is singing of God’s name, with feeling. Such singing has a benign effect on both the physical and subtle bodies. It is an excellent method of soothing the nerves and directing the emotions to a positive goal. Kirtan melts the heart, fills the mind with purity and generates harmony and divine love. The chanting of Sanskrit kirtan, even when mechanically done, produces certain effects. When done with devotion, and awareness of the meaning, its benefits are immeasureable.” – Swami Sivananda
Our chanting classes provide an opportunity to learn devotional singing and correct pronunciation of Sanskrit mantras.
Duration: 5 classes
Fee (inclusive of taxes) :
Indian Residents: INR 2000
Non Indian Residents: INR 3000

“There is nothing so inspiring, elevating, solacing and delightful as Satsanga. It is the greatest of all purifiers and illuminators of man. Faith in God slowly develop in those who are regular in Satsanga. It is unfailing in its results. The effect of saintly contact is unerring or infallible.” -Swami Sivananda
Satsang literally means ‘association with the wise’. It consists of 30 minutes of silent meditation, meditative chanting of mantras and an easy-to-follow lecture on yoga philosophy or psychology.
Come & join us every Sunday evening at the Centre from 6:00 to 7:30 PM.
Everyone is welcome!
Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre Trivandrum
T.C. 37/1927 (5), Airport Road, Fort. P.O.
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695023