Teachers’ Training Course
Come develop the skills to teach yoga asana, while deepening your spiritual connection to yoga. You will establish a firm foundation of discipline that promotes physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual growth and build a strong base from which to teach others naturally and with confidence.
The Teachers’ Training Course (TTC) is a four-week intensive residential course, based on the ancient gurukula system of India where teacher and student live together. You will live in a traditional Ashram and closely interact with our experienced and dedicated teachers and staff who themselves are immersed in the yogic lifestyle.
Connected to an ancient teaching lineage (guru parampara), passed down from guru to disciple through thousands of years, the curriculum is extensive and covers both theory and practice. Devotional practices, traditional to India, are an integral part of the Course.
The goal of the programme is to produce qualified and inspiring yoga teachers who are able to draw on their own practice and personal discipline in imparting the yoga experience to others. The curriculum is based on the five points of yoga as taught by Swami Vishnudevananda, which can be understood as the practical application of the traditional four paths of yoga. The intensive daily schedule includes:
• two satsangs • two asana classes • two lectures • one hour of karma yoga
One day a week is lecture-free.
- The twelve basic postures in depth
- Practice of classical advanced variations
- Precise and detailed corrections
- Prolonged holding of the asanas
- Deeper understanding of hatha yoga
- Practice of kapalabhati
- Daily practice of anuloma viloma
- Advanced pranayamas
- Use of bandhas
- Guide to meditation
- What is meditation?
- Why meditate?
- Concentration and thought power
- 12-step daily practice
- Effects of and experiences in meditation
- Mantras
- Mantra initiation (optional)
Yoga Anatomy and Physiology
- Introduction to the eight major body systems
- The effects of asanas and pranayama on the: cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive and skeletal and muscular systems
- Yoga and physical culture
Yoga Nutrition
- Vegetarianism for physical, mental and spiritual health
- How diet affects the mind
- Principles of nutrition
- Healing effects of fasting
The six classical purification exercises for the eyes, nose, air passages, oesophagus and stomach, abdominal organs and large intestine. Explanation and demonstration of the exercises and their effects. Individual instruction.
• tratak • neti • Kapalabhati • dhauti
• nauli • basti
Teaching Practice
- How to teach the 12 basic postures and breathing exercises to beginners and intermediate students
- Setting up of a proper environment for class
- General pointers on teaching a class
- The Basic Sivananda class
- Beginners’ course
- Advanced postures
- Yoga for children
- Yoga for older citizens
- Yoga for pregnancy
- Relaxation
- Detailed correction workshops
In the second half of the training course, participants will teach each other under the guidance of an experienced instructor.
Bhagavad Gita
One of the greatest spiritual texts of the world, the Bhagavad Gita contains subtle and profound teachings and has a universality which embraces every aspect of human action.
- Study of both the text and Swami Sivananda’s commentary.
Karma and Reincarnation
- The law of cause and effect
- The law of action and reaction
- The law of compensation
- The law of retribution
- Destiny and self-effort
- Samsara, the wheel of birth and death
Hatha Yoga
- Ethical and moral principles
- Body, prana and mind
- From control over the body to control over the mind and meditation
Raja Yoga
- Ashtanga: the eight limbs of yoga
- Antahkarana: functions of the mind
- Concentration and meditation
Kundalini Yoga
- The Absolute and its manifestation in nature
- Macrocosm and microcosm
- The seven chakras
- The awakening of cosmic energy
Bhakti Yoga
- Kirtan: chanting of devotional songs. Chanting opens the heart and purifies the mind. In devotional chanting correct pronunciation, devotional attitude and awareness of meaning are all-important.
- Sanskrit mantras, Indian deities and their cosmic meaning
- Arati and pujas (traditional Indian devotional rituals)
Karma Yoga
- Karma Yoga – selfless service: one hour daily in the Ashram community. You will be asked to do various tasks within the Ashram setting necessary for the smooth running of the community. Karma yoga helps to reduce selfishness and egoism, essential for spiritual progress.
Jnana Yoga
- Basic concepts of Vedanta philosophy
- The seven bhoomikas or planes of consciousness
- Space, time, causation
- The three bodies
- The three levels of the mind
- Conquest of death
5.20am | Wake up |
6am | Satsang |
8am | Asana, pranayama class |
10am | Brunch |
11am | Karma Yoga |
12.00pm | Bhagavad Gita lecture or chanting class |
2pm | Main Lecture |
4pm | Asana, pranayama class |
6pm | Dinner |
8pm | Satsang |
10.30pm | Lights out |
Attendance of the entire TTC daily schedule is mandatory.
A high degree of self-motivation is required for all aspects of the course. A basic knowledge of yoga postures and philosophy is helpful but not essential. A sincere desire to learn and openness to the teachings of yoga is required. The practice and especially the teaching of yoga demand a high degree of self-discipline and purity. To ensure the success of the programme, participants are required to attend all spiritual activities, satsangs, lectures and asana classes.
Meat, fish, eggs, black tea, coffee, alcohol, tobacco, drugs and nudity are prohibited during the course as they are counterproductive to the yoga practice. A dress-code is followed. It is not possible to cater to personal dietary preferences beyond the yogic-vegetarian meals. Participants who do not comply with the Ashram rules may be dismissed from the course.

Yoga Certification Board
Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Dhanwantari Ashram Trust is an accredited Leading Yoga Training Centre of Yoga Certification Board, Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India. TTC conforms to the Yoga Certification Board (YCB) Yoga Protocol Instructor exam and ATTC conforms to Yoga Wellness Instructor exam.
Website: yogacertificationboard.nic.in

Indian Yoga Association
Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Dhanwantari Ashram Trust is a recognized member institute of Indian Yoga Association (A self-regulatory body of leading Yoga Institutions of India approved by Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India & Min. of Health & Family Welfare). TTC graduates are eligible for Certified Course in Yoga and professional membership and ATTC graduates are eligible for Advanced Certified Course in Yoga and professional membership.
P.C. Kapoor, director Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Nataraja Centre is the IYA national committee treasurer.
Nataraj, director of Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Dhanwantari Ashram is committee member of IYA Kerala chapter.
Anoop, director of Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Meenakshi Ashram is committee member of IYA Tamil Nadu chapter.
Sandeep, director Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Tapaswini Ashram is committee member of IYA Andhra Pradesh chapter.
Website: www.yogaiya.in

Fit India Yoga Centre
Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Dhanwantari and Meenakshi ashrams are accredited Fit India Yoga Centres by the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports.
Fit India Mission encourages people to become part of Fit India Movement by inculcating at least 30-60 minutes of physical activities in their day to day lives. The mission of the movement is to bring about behavioral changes and move towards a more physically active lifestyle.
Website: fitindia.gov.in

Yoga Alliance, USA
Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Dhanwantari Ashram Trust is a Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga School (RYS). Our TTC conforms to the Yoga Alliance, USA RYT200 and our ATTC conforms to the Yoga Alliance, USA RYT300. Our graduates can apply to Yoga Alliance to become a Registered Yoga Teacher.
A Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) credential is earned by yoga teachers whose training and teaching experience meet Yoga Alliance standards.
Website: www.yogaalliance.org
Our accommodation is simple and functional. The Ashram offers separate male and female dormitory and shared twin room accommodation (No single rooms). 2 bed sheets, a pillow, and pillow case are provided.
Please Note: couples are not allowed to share twin rooms during TTC & Sadhana Intensive.
Kailiash Rooms:Shared twin rooms with attached private bathroom
Dormitory: Men’s dorm – 6 beds, Women’s dorm – 12 & 14 beds all with attached and adjacent shared bathrooms. Limited solar heated water is available.
During the Course
- Two sets of uniform and a TTC manual are provided as a part of the course material and are included in the course fee.
- Simple Indian vegetarian meals are provided at 10am and 6pm.
- The course is taught in English. An international TTC course with translation is offered in January at Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Dhanwantari Ashram, Kerala depending on demand. Please enquire before making any travel plans if you do not have a good command of both written and spoken English.
- Evaluation of students is on:
- Attendance
- Performance
- Theory during the course
- Final written exam
- A minimum combined score of 50% is required to pass.
- Unsuccessful students will have to repeat the entire course with cost to qualify for the certificate
- The course is taught in English. An international TTC course with translation is offered in January at Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Dhanwantari Ashram, Kerala depending on demand. Please enquire before making any travel plans if you do not have a good command of both written and spoken English.
- Things to bring – comfortable clothes, sandals, toiletries, personal items, meditation shawl for cool evenings, yoga asana mat, meditation cushion, notebooks, pens, towels, water bottle and torch. You can also purchase these items at the ashram boutique.
- Apart from the TTC manual, there are some recommended texts for the course. These are not included in the course fee and can be bought from the boutique:
- Sivananda Training Manual
- The Completed Illustrated Book of Yoga by Swami Vishnudevananda
- Bhagavad Gita – with commentary by Swami Sivananda
- Sivananda Companion to Yoga
- Meditation & Mantras by Swami Vishnudevananda
- Apart from the TTC manual, there are some recommended texts for the course. These are not included in the course fee and can be bought from the boutique:
In view of possible difficulties with visas and flights, we recommend that you register only after visas and flights are certain.
- For Domestic Payments from Resident Indians:
- For cancelling the registration before the start of the course, the original payment will be refunded less 6.5%.
- Once the course starts, if the student decides to leave within five days, the original payment will be refunded less 18%.
- For Overseas Payments:
- As refunds will be via international bank transfer, which may take six months to process, the cancellation fee has to be higher.
- The advance payment of partial course fee, service fee and taxes paid to GetOnYoga Pvt. Ltd. are fully nonrefundable.
- Once the course starts, if the student decides to leave within five days, the course fee paid will be refunded less 25%.
- After five days of the course: in case of discontinuation of the course after the Friday of the first week, no refund will be issued.
- Students leaving the course before completion, are required to return manual and
- Full refund of the course fee paid will only be granted where SYVC has had to cancel the course / programme.
It is advised to ensure receipt of appropriate visa is possible before registering or booking flights.
Revised 4-09-2023 SYVDA reserves the right to make changes without advanced notice.