International Day of Yoga 2022
Sivananda Class: Intermediate/Advanced
by Suresh
Date: 3rd June | Day: Friday | Time: 18.30 to 20.00 IST
Intermediate/Advanced Asana Class
Experience a deeper connection with mind and body in this advanced hatha yoga class. Advanced variations on the basic 12 postures is a supportive practice to help us develop a deeper understanding of the basic asana and of the body in a new way.
Special Asana Class: Akarma (Action in Inaction)
by Uma Natarajan
Date: 4th June | Day: Saturday | Time: 06.00 to 07.30 IST
Special Meditative Class
Taking inspiration from the Bhagawad Gita, we contemplate “recommended action, wrong action, and inaction”, in this session we will stay longer in asanas and understand the wrong action, if any, and go deeper to understand the inaction.
Talk: 4 Paths of Yoga in Daily Life – Karma Yoga
by P.C. Kapoor
Date: 5th June | Day: Sunday | Time: 10.00 to 11.00 IST
Hosted Talk with Audience Participation
The four paths of yoga lead us to understand our true nature, to self-realisation through selfless service: Karma Yoga; through devotion: Bhakti Yoga; the royal path of understanding the mind: Raja Yoga and finally deep contemplation of scripture: Jnana Yoga. Dive deeper into the path of Karma Yoga, the first step in purifying the mind. Learn how to cultivate selfless service in daily life. Swami Sivananda said that everyone should do selfless service to progress in the path of spirituality.
Talk: Jatharagni – The Fire of Digestion
by Dr. Vishnu
Date: 5th June | Day: Sunday | Time: 18.00 to 19.00 IST
Hosted Talk with Audience Participation
Sarvarogepe mandagni or dull digestive fire is the cause of all diseases in the body and mind. We are literally what we eat! How we assimilate nutrients and what types of nutrients based on our constitution has a profound effect on us. Discover how fuel your digestive fire to enhance your overall health through Ayurvedic concepts and practical tools.
Sivananda Class: Intermediate/Advanced
by Vijay
Date: 10th June | Day: Friday | Time: 18.30 to 20.00 IST
Intermediate/Advanced Asana Class
Join us for an invigorating and energising yoga practice with variations and extended holding of postures. Push yourself a little to help increase your stamina and flexibility. Come and delve into an advanced practice of asanas and their variations.
Special Asana Class: Shwasam (Breath)
by Mahalakshmi
Date: 11th June | Day: Saturday | Time: 06.00 to 07.30 IST
Intermediate/Advanced Asana Class
Asana means a steady and comfortable posture – according to the Yoga Sutras of Sage Patanjali. The true benefits of an asana is felt when it is held for longer duration, where a connection between mind, breath and body is made. This intense yet relaxing session will help you experience how you can control your breath and be the king of your mind and senses.
Talk: 4 Paths of Yoga in Daily Life – Bhakti Yoga
by Parvathy
Date: 12th June | Day: Sunday | Time: 10.00 to 11.00 IST
Hosted Talk with Audience Participation
Bhakti is considered one of the easiest ways to control our otherwise uncontrollable mind, purifying it of all the lower emotions. It takes our volatile and fluctuating emotions and transforms them into devotion. It fills us with the purest form of love. Explore the path of devotion through Bhakti Yoga and experience a feeling of surrender.
Talk: Women – Walking the Path of Yoga
by Nirmala Chaitanya
Date: 12th June | Day: Sunday | Time: 18.00 to 19.00 IST
Hosted Talk with Audience Participation
Let’s talk about the experience of women on the path of yoga. Are those experiences unique somehow? Are the practices different for a woman’s body? What are the challenges faced by women who walk this path, whether integrating the practices to create a balanced family life, or seeking the deepest self-awareness through renunciation? Is there spiritual potential to be found in feminism? Do spiritual communities and spaces need to better integrate and honour women’s voices?
If these questions are intriguing, do join us for a heartfelt discussion about the experience and meaning to be found in walking the path of yoga as a woman.
Sivananda Class: Intermediate/Advanced
by Sandeep
Date: 17th June | Day: Friday | Time: 18.30 to 20.00 IST
Intermediate/Advanced Asana Class
Want to go further with your yoga practice? Go beyond your limitations physically and mentally with this Intermediate/ Advanced class. Covering the full spectrum of postures with this intensive practice, with individual guidance and attention takes you to a new level.
Special Asana Class: Padmam (lotus)
by Shyamala
Date: 18th June | Day: Saturday | Time: 06.00 – 07.30 IST
Hip-opener Practice Class
Padmam is a 90-minute practice focused on easing the tension and tightness in the hips and related muscle groups, understanding the elements of the hip joint, its mobility, range of motion, and more. The practise will be based on inversion, forward bend, backbend, twist, balancing, and lateral bend practise of the Sivananda sequence in variations which bring awareness to the hips. Eventually, this practice will help one blossom internally, like the Lotus (Padmam) and to attain ease externally, in the famed Padmasana seated meditative posture.
Talk: Vande Gurudev – The Value of the Guruparampara
by Swami Janardhananda
Date: 19th June | Day: Sunday | Time: 18.00 – 19.00 IST
Hosted Talk with Audience Participation
In this talk we will discuss the importance of the relationship between Guru and Disciple, as well as personal experiences with Swami Vishnudevananda.
Sivananda Class: Intermediate/Advanced
by Anoop
Date: 24th June | Day: Friday | Time: 18.30 – 20.00 IST
Intermediate/Advanced Class
Practice the 12 basic asanas and their variations with awareness of your movements, and realize the positive modifications of the mind with the practice. Challenging the body and mind in this way allows us to release pent up or blocked energy making us feel lighter and peaceful.
Special Asana Class: Hrdayam (heart)
by Nandalala
Date: 25th June | Day: Saturday | Time: 06.00 – 07.30 IST
Heart-opener Practice Class
Hrdayam is a 1.5 hour class focused on heart-openers. The class will help one to understand the basics of backbends, opening the chest region, and using pectoral muscles. Also, it will aid one to understand which basic postures to work on to get into advanced backbends. The practice is also aimed at helping one improve posture, and, of course to be more open in the heart to receive and give love. Like Swami Sivananda said, we all need to ‘Serve Love Give Purify Meditate Realise’.
Talk: 4 Paths of Yoga in Daily Life – Jnana Yoga
by Ravi Easwaran
Date: 26th June | Day: Sunday | Time: 10.00 – 11.00 IST
Hosted Talk with Audience Participation
There are several qualities that are needed for Jnana Yoga. A description of these qualities appears in the Bhagavad Gita. In this talk we will take a look at these and their application in daily life.
Talk: Purushārtha – The Goals of Human Life
by Swami Tanmayi Maiya
Date: 26th June | Day: Sunday | Time: 18.00 – 19.00 IST
Hosted Talk with Audience Participation
A refresher on the very basics of the spiritual path, this talk will go back to understanding Purushārtha – the four broad goals of life. We will briefly look at each of the purushārthas in order to assess for ourselves where we currently stand, and how to integrate our actions into where we want to be.