Yoga 3
Intermediate Yoga Courses: Continue to Progress with Lots of Individual Attention
After completing Yoga 1 and 2, in Yoga 3 we begin to practice new variations, bringing new inspiration into the practice and continue to develop longer holding times of the asanas and increasing the practice of pranayama. Students benefit from continuing to learn with the same teacher and same group of students, and many choose to repeat the Yoga 3 course until they feel more confidence in their practice. The syllabus is adjusted to suit the students in the class. New concepts in Raja Yoga and Vedanta are introduced to give a deeper understanding of yoga.
This course consists of 6 sessions of 90 minutes each.

Yoga 3M – Yoga 3 with Meditation
Yoga 3M is a unique course with a similar syllabus to Yoga 3. In Yoga 3M, new variations are introduced in the practice, and each session also incorporates a short guided meditation at the end. This course will be quite helpful for students who may find meditation intimidating and would like to try out shorter sessions of mediation. It is often easier to meditate after practicing asanas and various tools and techniques are introduced, so that students gain confidence and ease with sitting comfortably.
This course consists of 8 sessions of 90 minutes each.