Mindful Sadhana and Self-Development
A 100-hours certificate course geared for European/UK and Indian students with Nirmala
Learn to more deeply integrate philosophy and self-reflection in your yoga practice.
The course is divided into three separate 6-day Modules, Mondays to Saturdays where the practice and philosophy are explored at different levels.
- Module 1: Physical
December 18 – 23, 2023 - Module 2: Energetic
January 15 – 20, 2024 - Module 3: Subtle
February 12 – 17, 2024
The course modules may be attended separately, however all three modules must be completed to obtain a certificate.
An intensive 3-week/module course inviting you to go further and to go deeper in your practise by paying more attention.
- How to understand yourself better through your practice.
- How to develop a consistent practice of yoga at home.
- How to integrate the philosophy of yoga and Vedanta into your practice and life.
- How to understand the more subtle effects of hatha yoga on the body and mind.
Certificate of Completion:
- Yes, sent electronically.
- Attendance at a minimum of 100 hours over 3 weeks (or roughly 5.5 hours daily) is required in order to receive a certificate.
- Total course hours over 3 modules: 108.
Course fees:
for students living outside India
- 400 USD per module
- 1,000 USD for all 3
for Indian nationals currently living in India
- 7,500 INR per module
- 18,000 INR for all 3
Is my yoga practice working? Where am I in the practice?
New yoga practitioners often focus their attention on teaching yoga, before they have had a chance to fully develop their own sadhana, or spiritual practice. To practice authentically requires time, patience, and self-observation. On the other hand, self-observation does make one a better yoga teacher.
What motivates me? What are my fears? Where am I holding back in life? What do I really want?
In this course we will focus on developing the practice, learning how to gauge the effects of the practice, to better understand the practice, and to use the practices effectively to turn the focus deeply inside. Ultimately, we will use the practices and philosophy to understand ourselves better, at the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels.
The course incorporates:
- Asana: Practice of asanas & variations; study of symbolism of hatha yoga
- Pranayama: Steady progression of pranayama practice for stress relief, health and mental balance
- Meditation: Meditation instruction and guidance, talks
- Hatha & Raja Yoga Workshops: Deep understanding of the effect of the practices on the physical, energetic, and subtle bodies.
- Swadhyaya/Self-Study: Daily self-reflection through study of Vedanta philosophy, and positive thinking
- Creative Writing Exercises: Designed to make connections between the thoughts and the practices, discover the nature and quality of the thoughts, and to better understand what we want
Workshop topics include:
- Is my yoga practice working? Where am I in the practice?
- How much should I push myself in the practice?
- How to practice safely and avoid injury.
- Tips for methodically working on complex, advanced asanas.
- What are the subtle and energetic benefits of the practices?
- 3 Bodies: subtle anatomy, Chakras, prana
- Raja Yoga, Meditation, Hatha Yoga, Pranayama
- Sanskrit & Chanting (Shanti Mantras & Guru prayers)
- What motivates me? What are my fears? What do I really want?
- Symbolism of the Hatha Yoga Practices
- Karma & Reincarnation
- Vedanta (topics from Viveka Chudamani, Sadhana Chatushtaya)
Who is it for?
- Intermediate level students or yoga teachers of any tradition wishing to deepen their understanding
- Beginners Level 1 and/or at least 6 months of regular yoga practice, OR 2-week Yoga Vacation at one of our ashrams, OR Yoga Teachers’ Training Course (TTC) in any tradition
- Sincere interest in learning and willing to commit to the entire course schedule

Activity | Duration (in minutes) |
Indian Time (IST) |
UK Time (GMT)* |
Europe Time (CET) |
Positive Thinking & Writing | 90 | 10.30 | 5.00 | 6.00 |
Break | ||||
Workshop/Lecture | 120 | 13.00 | 7.30 | 8.30 |
Break | ||||
Asana Practice – Variations | 90 | 17.30 | 12.00 | 13.00 |
Pranayama | 30 | 19.00 | 13.30 | 14.30 |
Meditation | 30 | 19.30 | 14.00 | 15.00 |
Optional Time with teacher | as needed |
Please note that the schedule has been developed with suitable timings for both Europe/UK and India. The classes in bold MUST be attended by all students. Attendance will be taken in all sessions and students must be in attendance for a minimum of 100 hours over the 3-week period to qualify for a certificate.
Total = 5.5 hours daily minimum
Daily Components
- Pranayama Practice .5 hours
- Meditation Instruction & Practice .5 hours
- Workshops/Lectures 2 hours
- Topics include:
- 3 Bodies: Anatomy, Chakras, Karma & Reincarnation
- Raja Yoga, Meditation, Hatha Yoga, Pranayama
- Symbolism of the Hatha Yoga Practices
- Sanskrit & Chanting (Shanti Mantras & Guru prayers)
- Vedanta (Study of Sadhana Chatushtaya: Viveka, Vairagya, Shad Sampat, Mumukshutva)
- Some workshops involve practice as well.
- Positive Thinking & Creative Writing 1.5 hours
- Encourage daily reflection, writing exercises, and journaling in order to understand what I want and how I feel; based around Vedanta philosophy and some of its themes.
- Asana Practice 1.5 hours
- Optional Time with teacher (to discuss concerns, questions, additional coaching) available as needed
- Topics include:
I enrolled for this program to deepen my personal practise and more importantly to get a holistic understanding and perspective of what sadhana really is. I would say the week long module has given me just that and more! It has been a very enriching experience where I learnt about not just the physical practise but also the symbolism behind it, how to make my own practise meditative and also how to slowly approach certain asanas step by step with kindness and focus. I am looking forward to the second and third module and surely feel inspired to continue my sadhana with a renewed perspective and dedication. Thanks to Nirmala Ji and the team for putting together this wonderful program.
– Radhika, India
The whole course was truly eye, mind and heart opening. Sadhana is practice. Mindful sadhana is practicing by being fully connected to ourselves – body, mind and soul. It is about observing and feeling what is going on deep inside at all levels, in our three bodies. It is about touching our resistances, obstacles, desires, fears… but also about letting go, surrendering. It is therefore about self-development. I would warmly recommend the course to anyone wishing to advance on the path.
The course renewed my commitment to the practice and the path. With each module, I gained a clearer and deeper understanding of what I was practicing and why. It enriched my experience not only on a personal level, but also for students. I know that even without mentioning anything, students will feel a difference in my teaching.
The teacher and team were all excellent, kind and dedicated. Exchanges with participants were open and stimulating. I also appreciated the 30 minutes we had at the end of the morning to exchange with Nirmala and the way she stimulated us at all levels by writing exercises, showing art work, citing quotes, recommending readings and sharing fragments of her life and experience. – Adeline, France
This course has come exactly at the point that I needed in order to bring myself back into a fuller union. It’s so often like that, isn’t it! Always in fact 🙂 Thank you for your care in guiding us so patiently and beautifully to our own next level. – Sarada, UK
All these topics that we can really describe as Subtle and ‘out of the daily box’ are difficult topics that sometimes you do not want to face or at least never know how to do. [In this course, it] has been more easy, achievable in a certain way; letting me understand some important things and the need to work and deepen others…done with a certain freedom of thoughts and humility. Thank you!
-Marion Hayoun, Hong Kong